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Graduate Course Proposal Form Submission Detail - ADE7281
Tracking Number - 2096

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Current Status: Approved, Permanent Archive - 2008-06-09
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Course Change Information (for course changes only):

Detail Information

  1. Date & Time Submitted: 2008-04-15
  2. Department: Adult Career and Higher Ed, College of Education,
  3. College: ED
  4. Budget Account Number: 17310000
  5. Contact Person: William H. Young
  6. Phone: 9741861
  7. Email:
  8. Prefix: ADE
  9. Number: 7281
  10. Full Title: Organization and Administration of ACE and HRD
  11. Credit Hours: 3
  12. Section Type: C - Class Lecture (Primarily)
  13. Is the course title variable?: N
  14. Is a permit required for registration?: N
  15. Are the credit hours variable?: N
  16. Is this course repeatable?:
  17. If repeatable, how many times?: 0
  18. Abbreviated Title (30 characters maximum): ORG and ADM of ACE and HRD
  19. Course Online?: -
  20. Percentage Online:
  21. Grading Option: R - Regular
  22. Prerequisites:
  23. Corequisites:
  24. Course Description: This course provides knowledge and examples of the organization of ACE and HRD and also examines management principles and practices applied to ACE and HRD units including the tasks, responsibilities and guidelines used to manage these units effectively.

  25. Please briefly explain why it is necessary and/or desirable to add this course: An organization and management course was needed in a field based curriculum.
  26. What is the need or demand for this course? (Indicate if this course is part of a required sequence in the major.) What other programs would this course service? Most of the students seek management positions in HRD and ACE; therefore, this course is in great demand.
  27. Has this course been offered as Selected Topics/Experimental Topics course? If yes, how many times? Twice
  28. What qualifications for training and/or experience are necessary to teach this course? (List minimum qualifications for the instructor.) The faculty must have a doctorate in adult education or a closely related field.
  29. Objectives: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

    •Determine the fit and proper place for adult continuing education and human resource development in organizational settings;

    •Secure both a conceptual notion for and a practical use of the administrative and management principles that are applied to these organizational units;

    •Recognize the particular administration tasks, responsibilities and practices that help make the administrative unit effective:

    •Understand and explain administration and management principles applied to these organizations:

    •Develop strategic planning expertise at the organizational level with emphasis on strategic thinking, environmental scanning and continuous improvement;

    •Develop skills for the creation of an organizational marketing strategy;

    •Understand that organization’s success depends on its ability to attract, keep and develop talented employees;

    •Gain proficiency in financial management and budgeting;

    •Analyze the effectiveness and application of program and unit evaluation;

    •Utilizing power and control effectively;

    •Recognize the need for ethical decision making and organizational change; and

    •Learn to evaluate individual administrative skills.

  30. Learning Outcomes: Class Participation: Students will be expected to attend and participate in the live class sessions.

    Organization Visit: Secure a copy of the organization’s strategic plan by a visit to the organization’s web site or a live appointment.

    Strategic Marketing Plan Outline: Choose an adult continuing education or human resource development unit and critically analyze their marketing plan or develop a marketing plan outline for them.

    Online Discussions: Students will be expected to participate by providing at least three opinions each week per topic.

    Five Page Paper: Students will be expected to place their paper online two weeks after it is assigned for student and faculty reaction. Students may choose their topic with the approval of the instructor.

    Final Project: Final project will be chosen by the students and approved by the instructor. For example, students could choose to do a strategic plan for an organization or update an existing plan. Students could change the organizational structure of an existing organization with a rationale for each change. Students could establish guidelines for changing an existing organization into a learning organization. Students could also choose to create a continuous quality improvement culture in an existing unit or organization. Students will be expected to present findings at the final meeting of the semester.

  31. Major Topics: Introduction To The Administration Of Continuing Education And HRD;

    Strategic Planning In Continuing Education And HRD;

    Decision Making;

    Needs Assessment And Internal Diagnosis Of A Continuing Education Organization;

    Power, Control And Ethics In Continuing Education Organizations;

    Building An Effective Organizational Culture; and

    Managing Organizational Change

  32. Textbooks: 14. Texts

    •Simerly, Robert (1987) Strategic Planning and Leadership in Continuing Education. Jossey-Bass Publishers.

    •Foster, Ralph (1994), Marketing University Outreach Programs. Haworth Press

    •Rothwell, William & Cookson, Peter (1997) Beyond Instruction: Comprehensive Program Planning for Business and Education 1st ed. Jossey-Bass Publishers

    •Harvard Business School (January 2, 2003), Managing Change and Transition. The Harvard Business Essentials Series. Harvard Business School Press

    •Cornford, James & Pollock, Neil (2003), Putting the University Online: Information, Technology

  33. Course Readings, Online Resources, and Other Purchases:
  34. Student Expectations/Requirements and Grading Policy:
  35. Assignments, Exams and Tests:
  36. Attendance Policy:
  37. Policy on Make-up Work:
  38. Program This Course Supports:
  39. Course Concurrence Information:

- if you have questions about any of these fields, please contact or