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Graduate Course Proposal Form Submission Detail - ENL5137
Tracking Number - 2602

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Current Status: Approved, Permanent Archive - 2012-02-13
Campus: Sarasota
Submission Type: New
Course Change Information (for course changes only):
Comments: USF-SM approved. To USF Sys 1/10/12. to SCNS 1/18/12. Approved Eff 3/1/12. Number (5132; assigned as 5137)

Detail Information

  1. Date & Time Submitted: 2011-08-29
  2. Department: English
  3. College: AS
  4. Budget Account Number: 4-1223-000
  5. Contact Person: Valerie Lipscomb
  6. Phone: 9413594718
  7. Email:
  8. Prefix: ENL
  9. Number: 5137
  10. Full Title: British Novel 1900 to the Present
  11. Credit Hours: 3
  12. Section Type: D - Discussion (Primarily)
  13. Is the course title variable?: N
  14. Is a permit required for registration?: N
  15. Are the credit hours variable?: N
  16. Is this course repeatable?:
  17. If repeatable, how many times?: 0
  18. Abbreviated Title (30 characters maximum): British Novel 1900 Present
  19. Course Online?: C - Face-to-face (0% online)
  20. Percentage Online: 0
  21. Grading Option: R - Regular
  22. Prerequisites:
  23. Corequisites:
  24. Course Description: ENL 5132 provides advanced study of trends and influences in longer British fiction from about 1900 to the present It traces the development of the novel form focusing on works and authors considered to have made major contributions to British fiction

  25. Please briefly explain why it is necessary and/or desirable to add this course: Needed for new program/concentration/certificate
  26. What is the need or demand for this course? (Indicate if this course is part of a required sequence in the major.) What other programs would this course service? Students in the USFSM service area seek graduate coursework in literature to further their current teaching careers and or to fulfill degree requirements for the new graduate degree in secondary English education
  27. Has this course been offered as Selected Topics/Experimental Topics course? If yes, how many times? No
  28. What qualifications for training and/or experience are necessary to teach this course? (List minimum qualifications for the instructor.) Doctoral degree in related discipline is required as well as Graduate-level coursework in modern British literature or the novel genre, or academic publication history in modern British literature or the novel genre.
  29. Objectives: Graduate students will improve their abilities to understand appreciate and analyze the novel as well as persuasively communicate their ideas verbally and in writing They also will improve their research critical thinking and leadership skills Moreover graduate students will develop their understanding of the scholarly conversation surrounding the British novel from 1900 to the present and their abilities to place these works in a broader literary context
  30. Learning Outcomes: 1 Demonstrate an understanding of literary texts in light of the various cultural contextual issues that may impact their creation and or reception 2 Demonstrate an understanding of literature as an art form evidencing certain aesthetic principles which are relative and dynamic 3 Demonstrate knowledge of the canonical writers and texts in the British traditions as well as efforts to open these canons 4 Demonstrate critical thinking skills in the conduct of literary argument and the judicious use of primary and secondary textual support 5 Write effective correct scholarly prose in accordance with MLA style 6 Demonstrate mastery of advanced literary research encompassing a broader deeper and more discriminating body of scholarship 7 Conduct original literary argument meticulously supported by appropriate sources
  31. Major Topics: The development of the British novel from the turn of the 20th century to the present The historical context of the British novel The aesthetic context of the British novel The contributions of major British authors and works during this time
  32. Textbooks: R.B. Kerschner, The 20th Century Novel (Bedford); Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness (Norton Critical edition); James Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (Bedford); E.M. Forster, A Passage to India (Harvest); Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse(Harvest); Iris Murdoch, The Black Prince(Penguin); Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid's Tale (Anchor); J.M. Coetzee, Disgrace (Penguin).
  33. Course Readings, Online Resources, and Other Purchases: Additional critical articles as assigned, use of Blackboard. No additional purchases required.
  34. Student Expectations/Requirements and Grading Policy: Grades are based on 500 points broken down as follows Midterm Exam 20 100 points Final Exam 20 100 points Research leadership project 20 100 points Research paper 20 100 points Participation attendance short assignments 20 100 points
  35. Assignments, Exams and Tests: In addition to reading novels and criticism all students will participate in frequent full class smaller group and Blackboard discussions Active class participation is essential to success They will complete reading quizzes short writing and research assignments two essay exams a research paper and a leadership project Graduate research papers must be at least 15 pages in length Graduate students will lead one portion of class individually Graduate students will take leadership responsibility and contribute knowledge gained through research to the course conversation
  36. Attendance Policy: Attendance and participation are mandatory An absence may be excused for such reasons as a serious personal illness serious illness or death of a family member legal obligation religious observance or approved campus activity Don t hesitate to confer with me about unusual circumstances For an excused absence please provide documentation such as physicians notes legal documents or notices on USF letterhead If you know about the absence in advance so should I The University recognizes the right of students and faculty to observe major religious holidays Students who anticipate the necessity of being absent from class for a major religious observance must provide notice of the date s to the instructor in writing by the second week of classes Unexcused absences will SIGNIFICANTLY affect your participation grade Because we do so much work together in class even excessive excused absences may adversely affect your grade If you can t make it to class on time consider adjusting your schedule Excessive tardiness or leaving class early will lower your participation grade Course Attendance at First Class Meeting Policy for Graduate Students For structured courses 6000 and above the College Campus Dean will set the first day class attendance requirement Check with the College for specific information This policy is not applicable to courses in the following categories Educational Outreach Open University TV FEEDS Program Community Experiential Learning CEL Cooperative Education Training and courses that do not have regularly scheduled meeting days times such as directed reading research or study individual research thesis dissertation internship practica etc Students are responsible for dropping undesired courses in these categories by the 5th day of classes to avoid fee liability and academic penalty See USF Regulation Registration 4 0101 http usfweb2 usf edu usfgc ogc 20web currentreg htm Attendance Policy for the Observance of Religious Days by Students In accordance with Sections 1006 53 and 1001 74 10 g Florida Statutes and Board of Governors Regulation 6C 6 0115 the University of South Florida University USF has established the following policy regarding religious observances http usfweb2 usf edu usfgc gc pp acadaf gc10 045 htm In the event of an emergency it may be necessary for USF to suspend normal operations During this time USF may opt to continue delivery of instruction through methods that include but are not limited to Blackboard Elluminate Skype and email messaging and or an alternate schedule It s the responsibility of the student to monitor Blackboard site for each class for course specific communication and the main USF College and department websites emails and MoBull messages for important general information
  37. Policy on Make-up Work: For an excused absence we will confer to determine a makeup schedule Unexcused short assignments turned in late receive no credit however I will evaluate them and record that you handed them in so late is better than never An unexcused late major assignment is docked one letter grade ACADEMIC ETHICS All individual work must be your own and must be done specifically for this class You are encouraged to seek info and advice from others just as professionals do but you must do your own research writing etc Material taken from another source must be properly cited I will use Blackboard s Safe Assignment feature to assess possible plagiarism Please be sure to consult the USF policy on plagiarism in the USFSM Graduate Catalog and USF Student Code of Conduct This course assumes you have studied plagiarism see me if you are in doubt as to what constitutes it or whether you are citing a source correctly I m happy to help you with documentation issues prior to your turning in your assignments Be sure to be familiar with the University Policy on Academic Integrity
  38. Program This Course Supports: Master of Arts in Secondary English Education
  39. Course Concurrence Information: None at USFSM

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