Graduate Studies Reports Access

Graduate Course Proposal Form Submission Detail - OCE6940C
Tracking Number - 4748

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Current Status: Approved by SCNS - 2015-04-01
Campus: Tampa
Submission Type: New
Course Change Information (for course changes only):
Comments: for grad cert; needs acct #, obj need rev emailed 3/5/14, 5/20/14. Acct # red 5/22; Obj still need rev 9/19/14. Updated; chnged prefix/number from OCG 6048 to OCE 6044. to GC. Appd 2/10/15. To USF Sys 2/27/15. Nmbr 6044 appd as 6940C. Eff 4/1/15

Detail Information

  1. Date & Time Submitted: 2013-05-02
  2. Department: Marine Science
  3. College: MS
  4. Budget Account Number: USF01TPA25000010000 CMS0000000000
  5. Contact Person: Teresa Greely
  6. Phone: 7275533921
  7. Email:
  8. Prefix: OCE
  9. Number: 6940C
  10. Full Title: Experiential Learning in Marine Science
  11. Credit Hours: 1-4
  12. Section Type: O - Other
  13. Is the course title variable?: N
  14. Is a permit required for registration?: Y
  15. Are the credit hours variable?: Y
  16. Is this course repeatable?: N
  17. If repeatable, how many times?: 0
  18. Abbreviated Title (30 characters maximum): Exp Learning in Marine Science
  19. Course Online?: C - Face-to-face (0% online)
  20. Percentage Online: 0
  21. Grading Option: R - Regular
  22. Prerequisites:
  23. Corequisites:
  24. Course Description: Demonstrates marine science teaching protocols via the examination of marine science concepts and inquiry-based learning strategies through team building, lab-based research experiences, and field explorations to local marine environments.

  25. Please briefly explain why it is necessary and/or desirable to add this course: Needed for new program/concentration/certificate
  26. What is the need or demand for this course? (Indicate if this course is part of a required sequence in the major.) What other programs would this course service? National science education standards emphasize the importance of authentic research experiences, safe places to practice, and programs designed to suit students’ individual interests and strengths. Marine science

    provides a unique opportunity to create such learning environments while focusing on real world problems with local relevance and global impact. This course examines marine science concepts and inquiry-based learning strategies through team building, lab-based research experiences, and field explorations to local marine environments. Learning activities and research

    tools demonstrate how science concepts are integrated to address real world problems and questions. Students will exit able to plan and conduct classroom and field-based research projects as scientific inquiries that incorporate near real-time data streams, fieldtrips, and other tools of science, and design problem based learning modules that are relevant to their locale and associated environmental impacts.

  27. Has this course been offered as Selected Topics/Experimental Topics course? If yes, how many times? Yes, 3 or more times
  28. What qualifications for training and/or experience are necessary to teach this course? (List minimum qualifications for the instructor.) Instructor qualifications include: advanced degree or 5 years practical training/experience in Marine Science, or 5 years practical experience in Marine Science Training and Education and/or STEM Education
  29. Objectives: 1. To learn the theoretical framework for experiential learning in the context of STEM and ocean sciences education

    2. To learn how to teach ocean sciences content from a natural setting in a marine environment

    3. To develop an understanding of the challenges and benefits of field-based experiential learning

    4. To design a field-based ocean sciences module, event or activity

    5. To implement a field-based ocean sciences module, event or activity for precollege or postsecondary students

  30. Learning Outcomes: 1) Design and deliver field-based learning modules for science and/or non-science audiences that facilitate STEM science as inquiry and effectively translate scientific research into conversational English

    2) Practice teaching strategies as inquiry using the 5E instructional model

    3) Develop course materials and activities that address relevant environmental issues by designing problem based learning modules

  31. Major Topics: Topics covered will include: coastal geology, barrier Island ecosystems, riparian ecosystems, mangrove ecosystems and their associated flora and fauna.
  32. Textbooks: Experiential learning references and journal publications assembled by the course instructor.
  33. Course Readings, Online Resources, and Other Purchases: Ocean literacy, Science education research and learning as inquiry readings.

    Globe protocol atmospheric kits

    Globe protocol hydrology kits

    Globe protocol soil kits

  34. Student Expectations/Requirements and Grading Policy: Demonstrate proficiency in environmental data collection protocols:60%

    Reflective journals, online discussion contributions and data interpretation:20%

    Completion of pre and post STEM content knowledge surveys:20%

  35. Assignments, Exams and Tests: Learning mechanisms and STEM teaching strategies.

    In class Atmospheric and Hydrological data collection training. Tools and strategies to translate STEM research into plain, relatable English.

    In class: sediment data collection and analysis training.

    Tools and strategies to create learning modules from research projects. Tools and strategies to demonstrate the relevance of research modules to contemporary environmental issues. The importance of monitoring progress and self evaluation. Tools and strategies to create pre and post knowledge surveys, and other teaching assessment tools

    Field trips: Seagrass sampling and macrofauna identification, Riparian ecosystem, Mangrove ecosystems, Barrier island ecosystems

  36. Attendance Policy: Course Attendance at First Class Meeting – Policy for Graduate Students: For structured courses, 6000 and above, the College/Campus Dean will set the first-day class attendance requirement. Check with the College for specific information. This policy is not applicable to courses in the following categories: Educational Outreach, Open University (TV), FEEDS Program, Community Experiential Learning (CEL), Cooperative Education Training, and courses that do not have regularly scheduled meeting days/times (such as, directed reading/research or study, individual research, thesis, dissertation, internship, practica, etc.). Students are responsible for dropping undesired courses in these categories by the 5th day of classes to avoid fee liability and academic penalty. (See USF Regulation – Registration - 4.0101,

    Attendance Policy for the Observance of Religious Days by Students: In accordance with Sections 1006.53 and 1001.74(10)(g) Florida Statutes and Board of Governors Regulation 6C-6.0115, the University of South Florida (University/USF) has established the following policy regarding religious observances: (

    In the event of an emergency, it may be necessary for USF to suspend normal operations. During this time, USF may opt to continue delivery of instruction through methods that include but are not limited to: Blackboard, Elluminate, Skype, and email messaging and/or an alternate schedule. It’s the responsibility of the student to monitor Blackboard site for each class for course specific communication, and the main USF, College, and department websites, emails, and MoBull messages for important general information.

  37. Policy on Make-up Work: Students must notify scheduled absences (for approved reasons as per USF policy) at the beginning of each academic term. Students should highlight any potential conflicts with scheduled field trips or class meetings. In the event of an emergency unscheduled absence (as described in USF policies), students must contact the instructors as soon as possible and provide documentation if required.

    If an excused absence coincides with a field trip or class activity, the student (1) will be given a reasonable opportunity to review the material covered to complete pre and post surveys (2) will not have that work averaged into the student’s grade, as agreed to between the student

    and the instructor.

    If an excused absence coincides with other graded work (e.g., homework

    collection, quizzes, presentations, activities, etc.), the student shall be given a reasonable opportunity to make up such work or shall not have that work averaged into the student’s grade, at the discretion of the instructor.

    As noted in USF policy, the instructor may determine that excessive absences (whether excused or not) may threaten or preclude a student’s successful completion of the course. Making up work for unexcused absences may be allowed or declined entirely at the discretion of the instructor.

  38. Program This Course Supports: Graduate Certificate in Ocean Sciences Education
  39. Course Concurrence Information: MSc Marine Science

    PhD Marine Science

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